Thursday, April 4, 2019

25A - What's Next

Existing Market 

What’s next: I think what’s next for my product/service is to keep updating and improving its features. After evaluating the results of the product after a couple of years, the goal is to keep perfecting the idea. I would also want to take it globally, especially to countries in South America. 

1.    The first lady I interviewed works as an administrator for a small medical practice. She said that it is important to keep expanding the product. She mentioned that it would be easy to start selling the product in a large city, but that smaller cities across the US would also be interested. 
2.    For this one, I interviewed my dad, who is currently working as a physician at a hospital. He said that the next step should be combing the product with other methods to combat alcoholism. He mentioned that the best way to truly combat it is to use different methods together. He stated that this product would work really well alongside the other approaches. 
3.    In this interview, I talked to Robert again, the drug rep from Health First. After describing my business to him, he said that it’s important to keep expanding and not limit myself. He mentioned that it’s very important to constantly be evaluating the product and make improvement based on the feedback. 

            For the most part, what I learned from the interviews was pretty similar. They all mentioned that it is important to keep the business growing but to also keep making improvements. All three people I interviewed mention how important it was to keep up with evaluations because that way I can see if the product is truly successful or if it needs more development.
I really liked the idea of being able to combine my product with other methods to combat alcoholism. However, I think it would be difficult to combine them well at first and sell it. Nonetheless, I think it’s is still a great idea that I could look to in the future. 

 New Market 

What’s Next? So instead of selling my product to a large medical institution or government agency, I could sell it to families who made know someone who would benefit the product. The main problem with this is that it would become more expensive for those who need it. However, I do feel like it would make the product more personal. It could be tailored to the person who needs it. 

1.    I interviewed a close friend, whose aunt has been struggling with alcohol decency. She said it would definitely look into this product for her aunt. She mentioned that her aunt has used other methods but that none of them have really made an impact long-term. She did say though that she would be worried about the price and whether or not she could afford it. She said that the product would probably need to be simplified in order to use easily. 
2.    I then interviewed another close friend and ask them what they thought of the idea. He thought it was a good idea, but that it could be difficult for people to get. It could be too pricy or difficult to find/use. He mentioned that I could also make a similar product that could help people with drug addictions. It would be a similar concept just tailored more towards them. 

            I thought it was interesting seeing their point of view of the product. They both mentioned they were interested in the product but that it might be a bit more difficult to get access to. I would probably need to simplify the product and try to reduce the costs in order to make it more affordable. 
            I really liked what the second person I interviewed mentioned. I think it’s a great idea to make a similar product that targets drug addiction. It would probably be a similar market but the program would probably need to do different things. Since most drugs are illegal, it might be a bit more difficult to use the exact software to prevent people from getting it. But overall, I thought they were really interesting ideas that could help in the future. 

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