Thursday, February 28, 2019

16A - What's Your secret sauce?

Five ways in which I think I have Human Capital:
1.    Determination – I try to not let challenges knock me down. But if they ever do, I always get back up and try even harder. 
2.    Independence – I’m never opposed to getting help from others, but I never completely rely on others which I think makes me strong. 
3.    Passion – There are certain things I’m very passionate about which I think have made me the way I am today. It makes it easier to do things when you feel strongly about them. 
4.    Sympathy – I can put myself in other people’s place and actually understand how they feel which makes me a more relatable person.
5.    Reliable – A lot of my friends feel like they can count on me. I always try to be there for them.

Close friend:
Close friend:

I found this assignment kind of exciting becuase I got to see what some of my closest friends thought of me. For the most part I was seen as a very open-minded person which I think is a very good thing. I feel that for the most part I think we said similar things. Because they have known me for a long time and know how much I like to travel, they focus on that aspect of me which I thought was pretty cool. I don't think I would change anything from the first part becuase I feel like those qualities still descrive me pretty well. 

1 comment:

  1. Alejandra,
    It was very interesting listening to your interviews because they highlighted similar human capital skills that you chose for yourself. For example, your roommate described you as very open and sympathetic. She agreed with you in that you show genuine concern for others and interact effortlessly with various types of people. The rest of the interviews exemplified that you view yourself in a very similar way that your friends and family see you. You enjoy traveling and exploring different cultures, which reflects the independent skills you have developed. Great job!
