Friday, February 8, 2019

9A - Testing the Hypothesis (Part 1)

Interview 1 – 17-year-old female 
Ø She states that she has no relatives that are alcohol dependent. Also, she mentioned that she hasn’t been personally affected by someone who was an alcoholic or severely intoxicated. She feels that since she’s in high school she is less likely to experience anything like that right now. However, she thinks that it is possible to come up with temporary solutions. 

Interview 2 – 23-year-old female
Ø In this interview, she told me how she has a distant relative that has struggled with alcoholism but that she hasn’t had been too affected by it. However, he said she was still worried about the relative. She believes that it would be difficult to solve this problem because a lot of people with alcohol dependency don’t always seek help. 

Interview 3 – 19-year-old male
Ø In this interview he mentioned that he thinks that the only main problem with alcohol dependency is when they drive while intoxicated. He said that people could easily be affected by that and that it is very difficult to prevent it all the time. 

Interview 4 – Mid 40s male
Ø Similarly, to the previous interview, he said that he thinks the problem with alcohol dependency is that people tend to lose control of their actions and can end up hurting people. He believes people could easily be affected and they don’t exactly realize it. He thinks it would be difficult to come up with a perfect solution to this problem.

Interview 5 – 20-year-old female
Ø She said that because she’s under the drinking age, she’s less likely to be affected by this situation. She believes that the people who would be most likely to be affected are those over the drinking age, but specifically people above their 40s. 

Inside the boundary 
Outside the boundary 
-       People with a close relationship to someone with alcohol dependency 
-       People over 21 

-       Possible bystanders 
-       People younger than 21 
-       People with alcohol dependency
-       To prevent people with alcohol dependency from causing harm to others (ex: driving under the influence) 
-       The need is not just to help people affected by the actions of people with alcohol dependency, but to also help those struggling with alcohol abuse
-       The need exists because there have been many accidents caused by people under the influence
-       People with alcohol dependency have struggled with their condition and the help offered isn’t enough 

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