Thursday, March 28, 2019

21A - Reading Reflection #2

How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big 
By: Scotts Adams

1.    Basically, the main point of the book is that one should let failure define them and stop them from achieving one’s goals. Adams shares strategies to help people embrace failure and then use it to their advantage. 
2.    I really liked that this book discusses that you don’t need to be the most creative and brilliant person to become and entrepreneur or be successful. That used to be a huge misconception I had about entrepreneurship. Adam talks about how “embarrassing failures” can eventually lead to success. And throughout this class I’ve learned that failure isn’t the end, it’s only the beginning. 
3.    I would make an exercise where student would need to lists some failures they’ve experienced and how they either (a) let it define them or (b) they combat it and became successful. I think this exercise could help people realize how their failures have affected them in their lives and how they can approach it differently in order to succeed. 

4.    Something that really stood out to me was that being selfish can actually be good (to an extend of course). Adams stated that it is important to spend time on your fitness, health, career, and especially spending quality time with friends and family. Most importantly, Adam mentioned that in order to focus on the needs of others, you need to meet your own needs first. I have learned this in psychology but never gave it too much thought until now. 


  1. Hi Alejandra,

    I had the same misconception as you that all entrepreneurs are these creative people and that I couldn’t be one since I am not the most creative person, so it’s great to hear the book discusses that this isn’t true. I really like the idea you have for your exercise and think it would be helpful for future students taking this class. I also agree that being selfish isn’t always a bad thing, and have learned this lesson as I get older. Great post!

  2. Hi Alejandra, I thought that your response for the reading reflection was very well done and you gave great explanations for each part of the assignment. I really like the message of the book, and in this class it is very important to respond well to failure and criticism. I also agree with meeting your own needs before helping others so that you can be in the best position to help.

  3. Hi Alejandra,

    Your reading reflection shows that you really read the book and took in everything the author has to say. After reading your response, I think that even I might read this book and see what I can take away from it! I am a victim of often letting my mistakes and downfalls define me and my success, even though I should be learning from them every time. Great post.

  4. Hey Alejandra,
    I can tell by your reading reflection that you really read the book and took in what it had to say! After reading your post, I think that I might want to read this book and see what I can gain from it! I definitely fall victim of often allowing my mistakes and downfalls define me, even though I should be learning from them every time. Great post!

    Amanda A.

  5. Alejandra,
    I found the book that you chose to read to also be very interesting. Your reflection really proves that you enjoyed reading this book. I like how you discussed entrepreneurs and being creative people. Your post really made me want to read this book! Great job!
