Tuesday, March 19, 2019

19A - Idea Napkin #2

1)    You. Who you are.
o   I am a third-year Business Administration major with a specialization in Portuguese. I hope to one day get a master’s in health administration because the business aspect of the medical field can really help both the workers and patients. I have a love of language and cultures and pick up languages pretty quickly. I am fluent in English and Spanish and am intermediate in Portuguese. Providentially, I have had the opportunity to travel to many countries and have learned about a myriad of cultures firsthand. 
2)    What are you offering to customers?
o  My product would be a software that would allow physicians to mark a person with alcohol decency’s ID. That way when their patient tries to buy alcohol the cashier can scan their ID and see if they have the marker. The marker would limit and place a fine on the alcohol they purchase. The software would protect the user’s information and keep everything private and possible employers would not be able to see it. 
3)    Who are you offering it to?
o   I would mainly offer the software to the hospital and other medical institutions. I feel that the product will be most effective in the medical field. 
o  Some government agencies would also benefit from the product. 
4)    Why do they care?
o  Many doctors have had patients with alcohol dependency and haven’t been able to fully help them. This could take them one step in the right direction. 
o  The government has struggled with helping people with alcohol dependency, and this could be a step in the right direction.  The product would be of great service to society because it could reduce drunk driving and essentially save lives. The product would also really help those people that want to reduce alcohol intake by limiting them. 1 in 8 Americans is an alcoholic, so this could hopefully diminish that statistic. 
5)    What are your core competencies? 
o  It would be inexpensive for those who really need it. 
o  Job employers would not be able to see the marker so those people won’t have difficulty with applying for jobs. 
o  It can be used alongside other methods to help combat alcoholism. 


            I was really glad to get back positive feedback on the first assignment. The people that commented mentioned that they liked the idea and that it was unique. This time around, I tried to incorporate the medical field a little more because I ended up tailoring my customer as someone in the medical field. I made sure to emphasize the fact that there was a privacy aspect based on the feedback. Overall, I didn’t change too much, I just added a couple things and tried to clarify a little more. 

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