Friday, March 22, 2019

20A – Growing Your Social Capital

Domain Expert 
1.    Nancy, Head Administrator at Health First
2.    She helps manage the hospitals. She also brings in new technology to products that could benefit the place. 
3.    My father used to work with her so he was able to connect me with her. 
4.    I emailed her with a list of questions to better understand what her job is and what she does. I then explain the purpose of my product since she would be the one in the medical field to most likely buy the product. She liked the basic of my idea but mentioned how important detail is when trying to sell a product are. 
5.    She would be a great reference since she has a lot of experience searching for new products/service that could be beneficial in hospitals. 
Market Expert 
1.    Robert, Drug Rep at Health First 
2.    He comes by the hospital to explain about new medication and services that are available to them. 
3.    I came in contact with him through Nancy. 
4.    He told me about the process he goes through to sell the products to physicians. He mentioned that they have to do a lot of research before presenting a new product, especially if it’s a new type of medicine. 
5.    He could certainly help me exploit the opportunity because he has had a lot of experience in his line of work and has a lot of connections. 

Industry Supplier
1.    Robert, same Drug Rep from the part above 
2.    He also supplies the hospital with the new medication they need.
3.    This part was difficult to find, but Robert mentioned how supplying was also part of his job.
4.    So not only does he do research before selling the product, he helps in the supplying part. 
5.    As I mentioned before, he has had a lot of experience in his line of work and has a lot of connections which could be helpful. 

      For this assignment, I didn’t actually meet them in person but contacted them through email. For most networking things I’ve done, I’ve talked to the people in person which is bit different. I felt it was easier emailing them because it gave me time to think of what to ask and what information was important. I feel like after networking with people in person, I would be more comfortable emailing them with questions.  

1 comment:

  1. Hey Alejandra,
    Good post! I thought your post was really insightful and I can tell that you put a lot of thought into the different people you wanted to contact. Overall, I thought you did a great job picking your domain expert. In regard to your feedback, I thought you were very honest and I am glad that you are now more comfortable emailing people in order to reach out!

    Amanda A.
