Sunday, January 13, 2019

2A - Big List

 2A Bug List 

1.    The ice cream machine that is always broken at the McDonalds on University 
a.    Why it exists: The machine is most likely overused and they don’t have proper maintenance. 
2.    Not being able to find a seat in Marston during finals week
a.    Why it exists: Finals week is the most stressful time for students. Since all students have finals, they all need to study at the same time, making it more likely for them to go to Marston during this time. 
3.    Changing my UF password and not being able to log into the Wi-Fi right away 
a.    Why it exists: UF probably requires you to change your password for security reasons. That way, people have a harder chance of hacking into other peoples’ accounts. 
4.    Having to use the restroom after a flight but the women’s bathroom is really long 
a.     Why it exists: There are thousands of people traveling at the same time that also need to use the restroom after a long flight. Also, women tend to take a longer time in the restroom making the wait longer. 
5.     Not being able to use Netflix because too many people are watching at one time 
a.     Why it exists:Netflix wants to restraint the number of people using one account because they could lose profit in the end. 
6.     Never finding close parking spots at Southwest Rec in the afternoon 
a.     Why it exists: Most students have class earlier in the day, so the only time they can go to the gym is in the afternoon. Since more people go at that time, the parking gets more crowded making it more difficult to find a close spot. 
7.     Loud construction in the mornings right outside my window 
a.     Why it exists: Construction workers are on a schedule and are probably more efficient in the mornings. 
8.     iPhone batteries that die over time 
a.     Why it exists: Apple purposely make their batteries only last for a certain time to encourage people to upgrade or buy a new phone. 
9.     The traffic in Gainesville before and after a home football game in the Fall 
a.     Why it exists: Students, alumni, and other fans go the game and only have a few routes they can take to get there. Also, during this time some streets are closed down causing more congestion on other streets. 
10.   Having only a few amount of conveniently located gas stations near my apartment
a.     Why it exists: No space is available to build gas stations right by campus.
11.  Waiting a long time before your doctor’s appointment
a.     Why it exists: Each patient requires a different amount of time with a doctor making it difficult to stay exactly on schedule. 
12.  Having a pencil with lead but the eraser is completely used
a.     Why it exists: People need to use an eraser often which is why it runs out quicker than the lead. 
13.  Nonstick pans that become sticky after using them for a while 
a.     Why it exists: The chemical making nonstick wears off over time making it sticky again. People sometimes clean it improperly which can scratch the pan also making it sticky. 
14.  The new dongle that is required if you want to listen to music on the new iPhones 
a.     Why it exists: Apple wanted to make the newer IPhones thinner by getting rid of the headphone jack and creating a dongle. 
15.  The line at the Starbucks in Marston is very long during finals week
a.     Why it exists: Since there are more students at the library during this time, more of them require caffeine or a snack. 
16.  How the majority of business classes are only offered online
a.     There is a myriad of students that are majoring in a business field. In order to allow all of the students to take the necessary business class, they make the classes online because it doesn’t require a lot of lecture rooms that still might not fit all the students.
17.  When your clothes don’t fully dry after one cycle in the dryer
a.     Why it exists: The dryer might have had too much clothe in it to properly dry all of it. Dryers also need maintenance to keep it functioning properly. 
18.  When lectures are too crowded and people have to stand in the back
a.     Why it exists: Classes are sometimes overbooked just to accommodate all of the students that are required to take that class. It saves them from having to book another lecture hall. 
19.  When people let their pets pee in the hallways of my apartment building
a.     Why it exists: It can be difficult to prevent a pet from peeing. However, some pets don’t have proper training and their owners are irresponsible. 
20.  Not being able to bring your own food into movie theaters 
a.     Why it exists: Theaters want to make more money by encouraging their customers to buy food from them. If people bring their own food, the theater could lose possible profit. 

            I found that coming up with the bugs for the assignment wasn’t actually too difficult. I got up to 10 in a couple of minutes. I was able to go through my day and pick out things that bother me. Many of the bugs I wrote about are connected to the school, and since I’ve been at UF for three years, they were pretty easy to come up with. I did struggle a little bit near the end, but it wasn’t terrible. I did, however, have difficulty with explain why it exist for a couple of them. For example, I couldn’t think of the reason why Apple decided to use dongles for the new IPhone until I looked it up. Overall, I actually really enjoyed the assignment. It gave me a new perspective on the little things that bother me. It also made me realize that there are many thing that anan entrepreneur can find that can be fixed or improved. 

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